Sunday, November 6, 2011

The HOA Board met in front of homeowners on October 19th to discuss and decide on a possible $5 increase to HOA dues effective January 2012. A copy of the budget was provided to each homeowner in attendance and the $5 increase was voted on and implemented. Copies of these documents can be found on the following website: Thank you to all that attended and the Board hopes all of your questions were answered.

Scouts Popping for Fundraiser. What’s Your Flavor?

Whether it’s popcorn of the cheddar, butter toffee, carmel, chocolate or kettle variety, -yes, the kettle is back! -your local Cub Scouts are selling it by the bag-full this fall. The annual popcorn sale helps Scouts raise money for Scouting programs, while curbing the community’s hankering for the crunchy snack.

This year the popcorn sale includes a range of products: including the hard to resist white chocolate pretzels, equally as decadent as chocolate covered popcorn, our ever popular cheddar cheese popcorn, and more. The popcorn sale is a fundraiser and a primary source of revenue for the year. It gives Scouts the opportunity to earn their way to summer camp and helps pay for needed equipment, special trips and outings. Helping to offset these costs is essential in making sure every Scout has the opportunity to participate in these activities. Selling the buttery snacks also helps Scouts develop life skills such as salesmanship and goal setting. We have popcorn from $10 - $20.

If you would like to support your local Pack, please send an email to John McKinney at I live at 674 Coral Trace Blvd and the popcorn can be picked up at any time. Thanks!

Coral Trace Residents are in Need

A box has been placed in the Clubhouse for non-perishable food. Residents in need wish to remain anonymous and are struggling to keep food on the table for their families. Food Bank shelves are empty. Let us all participate with our charity and our generous contributions to this worthy cause. "For it is giving that we receive."

Thank you.

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