Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A note from the President
 By Tadd Smith

On Monday June 13th, I called Dave, the manager of Proscape, as I drove out of the community to go to work and saw that Proscape had started to cut the grass at the front of the property. I advised them they should not cut the grass this week. Here is a explanation of my decision:

First, the temperature was to average 100 degrees this week according to the local news channel and there was only a 20 percent chance of rain later in the week. The worse thing for St. Augustine grass is to cut it down to four inches or less with triple digit temperatures. It will increase the chances of the grass burning. Second, Proscape was delivering some very potent fertilizer to the whole community starting Monday. The fertilizer works a lot better for your yard if you give it time to soak in and run up the full grown grass blades. Cutting it to 3 1/2 inches right after fertilizing, defeats a lot of the purpose fertilizer brings to your yard. Also by fertilizing, then cutting your grass, then adding 100 degree temperatures, you are taking a huge chance of burning. Lastly, there is not a yard company in this world that would tell you this information any differently. When temperatures are hot, it is better for your yards health to let it be a bit longer and retains water better.

Proscape agreed this idea would be better for the grass' health to not be cut. The entire yard crew took the time to cut back all of the forest areas behind your homes, for those people who live on the outside area of the community, as well as some other projects in the community we asked them to accomplish. Since the decision was made Monday after the newsletter went out reference to not cutting the grass, a sign posting at the front of the neighborhood could have been placed to keep you informed. (Chris, our secretary, was in the hospital that day with labor & delivery and was unable to send out the information via email.) If you ever have any questions in the future, please contact us via email  I apologize to any residents who were upset by us not cutting the yards this week, but (and I speak for all of the board and many homeowners who have voiced their opinions) the community is going to look the best it ever has when they start cutting today.

I want to address the push lawn mowers, because it has come up on two separate occasions. There is not a yard crew in the state of Florida that would push mow our whole community. Unfortunately, yard crews will always use heavy, wide equipment to cut these yards. It is one of the natures of the beast with large communities and landscaping. Yards the size of the lots that we have here in our community are not the size lots that do there best with this large equipment driving over it and over it again. With the way drainage on the sides of the homes has been laid out, along with the very small front yards. It is not intended for any kind of riding lawn mower. Proscape does cut some parts of certain yards in here with a push mower, such as the ones that have fences, in the back yards, on the water. The reason behind push mowing these is for safety. The grade is to high to go through a gate that close to the water. So if you see someone getting their yard push mowed, do not think they are getting special treatment.

 We the board were elected to make decisions based on what we think is best for the community. With 5 different types of board members from different demographics, and gender, we collectively try to do what is best for our neighborhood. Since the by-laws don't allow us to physically meet with each other while not in front of the community, we have divided up our duties to bring you the best result. We start with going through all of your emails, phone calls, and word-of-mouth when we pass you by on your bikes or walking. We too struggle with this rule by speaking on the phone and emailing each other in between our jobs and leisure time with our families.

 The proper procedure to communicate to us with a complaint, or constructive criticism would be to please email us at Stopping by the homes of the Board members is not fair, as there are 4 other Board members to consider hearing your thoughts and opinions. Let's get attendance back up at the meetings, so we can discuss things face-to-face and so we can make things move forward.   Please remember our next board meeting is the second Wednesday of July. I hope to see everyone there. This is our opportunity to all be on the same page, and inform everyone as to what is going on in the community, even more so then just our emails. Thank you for your time and please enjoy your summer with your families and friends. Happy belated Father's Day to all of the Fathers in CT. I hope you enjoyed your weekend
 The HOA is aware that the 2 exercise machines (elliptical & treadmill) in the clubhouse need repair. A service call to get them fixed was placed on Friday June 17th. 


On June 17th, the HOA met with a repair man reference the entrance gates and  found that the circuit breakers had been shut off that provide power for the card readers and gate box . They were reset  and tested for everything. The cause is unknown at this time as to why they were off (not tripped). The repair person's card is now on file  with contact numbers to get him directly in case of any other problems.


 The light that shines on the front wall by the gate is broken due to vandalism. Handyman Jim Rodgers should be able to fix this and it was placed on his weekly things to do for our community.

Friday, June 17, 2011

May Financials

I do not have a current chart showing YTD.  I lost all of my charts and graphs when my computer crashed, but am working on recreating it all.  You will notice that we are + $14,636.71 for the year in 2011.  Since we have such a surplus at this time, we decided to FINALLY fix the irrigation system that runs along the front of the neighborhood running East to West.  As we mentioned in a previous update, this will allow the shrubbery to grow (which is no longer being trimmed so low) and give the residents at the front of the community their much needed privacy.

You may have also noticed in the past month that pressure in the entire irrigation system was very low.  This has been fixed and the 2nd (backup) pump has been installed and has been running as well.  As more homes are built, both pumps will need to be utilized at all times to provide enough pressure in the irrigation lines.  Both of these projects were costly and therefore June's YTD number will be significantly lower (though still on the positive side at this time). 

Anyway, here is the financial summary for May 2011:

BB&T - Operating $ 80,999.44
BB&T - Reserve 152,584.34
BB&T - Petty Cash 1,000.00
Subtotal Current Assets $ 234,583.78


Assessment Receivable $ 53,824.53
Allowance for Bad Debt (26,756.51)
Refundable Deposits 4,155.00
Prpd Liab / Prop Ins: 07/11 535.59
Prpd D&O Insurance: 08/11 275.82
Subtotal Other Current Assets $ 32,034.43

TOTAL ASSETS $ 266,618.21




Accounts Payable $ 245.00
Prepaid Assessments 29,303.33
Subtotal Current Liabilities $ 29,548.33


Reserves - Clubhouse $ 35,117.84
Reserves - Irrigation 7,290.83
Reserves - Security 6,818.74
Reserves - Streets 57,327.62
Reserves - Pool 26,393.95
Reserves - Gates 9,623.51
Reserves - Lakes / Fountains 7,008.55
Reserves - Contingency 2,631.71
Interest on Reserve Acct 371.59
Subtotal Reserves $ 152,584.34


Prior Years Earnings $ 69,848.83

Balance Sheet

As of 05/31/11

Current Year Net Income/Loss +14,636.71


Subtotal Equity $ 84,485.54


Thursday, June 2, 2011


I am sorry I have not yet updated the graphs for this past month, there is still a very minor discrepancy between my numbers and Leland Management.  I believe the information I had last month was not complete as bills can come in after the report is already prepared.  The new bills or credits are then added to the appropriate month which throws off some of my calculations.  I hope to have this resolved shortly, again, sorry for the delay.

Thank you,

Jon Reed

May 23rd Update

The pool is open! Please enjoy it.
Improvements are in the works for a new company to maintain it, a larger trash can that will keep out raccoons,  as well as rock in the plant beds to prevent mulch and leaves from blowing in.

Change in HOA meeting schedule

Due to low attendance (13 people at May's meeting) and a lot of people heading north for the summer, there will not be an HOA meeting in June. Our next meeting will be Wednesday July 20th at the clubhouse 7PM. The third Wednesday will be easier for the board to receive financial reports and have time for them to be reviewed and presented to the community.

Coral Trace Maintenance

Jim Rogers has been hired to complete small jobs in the neighborhood. Jim and his team are a bonded and insured company to make improvements quickly that are in need. With-in 24 hours of him meeting with the HOA Board he completed the pressure washing of the Clubhouse parking lot and placed the locks in the glass sliding doors. With the security of these doors, the Clubhouse has been open to the community which has been a top priority of the Board. Thank you Jim and we look forward to many more improvements in the near future.


Interested in joining? Please email the Board so we can include you with new residents entering the community.


Pro Scape will be more present in the neighborhood. All the workers speak English, so communication is there if you need to express concerns while they are in your yard. Please increase your watering time 1 extra day either before 7AM or after 7PM to assist with the lack of rain. Your roter sprinklers should now run for 45 minutes, and your pop-ups should run for 30 minutes