Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 2011 Meeting Recap

On Wednesday September 21st, 27 members of the Coral Trace community met at the clubhouse to view a PowerPoint presentation of various topics that have developed over the past 2 months. Overview of general topics included:
  • Palm Trees-There was a significant cost savings by trimming the palms in the common areas by the volunteers in the community and board members. A big "Thank you" to all those that assisted.
  • ARC Board-Give 30 days notice to approve any homeowner improvement forms.
  • Leland management-Utilize them more! A complaint should be handled by emailing Amanda and CC the email, so the board can follow through if needed. Amanda keeps records of all emails in the event of lawsuits or disputes.
  • 2012 HOA elections-Start thinking of the next board. Qualifications should include computer skills, ability to interact with others easily, and a sense of how to read financial reports.
  • "Exclusively Yours"-This company has a lawsuit against Coral Trace due to a breech in their contract. It is still in the negotiations stage and an offer is being made. President Tadd Smith and the previous HOA will attend court proceedings. The dollar amount is significant, so a small amount is being offered to cover court and lawyer fees. More information will be provided as it continues.
  • Construction-A spec home and model home will begin construction ASAP. Please stay off empty lots and away from construction.
  • Culverts-(A device used to channel water) around the ponds are sinking. They are used to allow water to pass underneath the embankments. Safety concerns of the deterioration were shown with photos. Estimates are being taken for replacement.
  • Pros-cape-Due to unhappy homeowners, a 15 day notice with 12 different concerns has been issued to them. The board is looking at more options for cost savings in winter months due to less mowing but paying the same rate as the summer months. Currently taking new bids that are from Feb 1-Dec. 31 or 41 weeks. Pros-capes contract  re newel date is not until Dec. 30, 2011.
  • Lawn upkeep-Stick to the watering schedule! Avoid a fine and check that the timer and clock are set correctly. Many houses have the AM & PM wrong and are watering at the wrong time. Avoid watering just before the lawn is to be mowed. A calendar for mowing vacant lots and treating for weeds has been requested by Pro Scape.
  • Clubhouse-The community will save $4000/year by not having a maid to clean the clubhouse. A volunteer rotation schedule has been suggested by the Board, to take 15-20 minutes to take a mop to the floors and wipe down tables after use. Supplies will be purchased to accommodate.
  • HOA dues increase-A show of hands was requested to increase the dues by $5 which is 4%. This rate has not increased in 5 years. More homes equals increased risk! See below-a note from your Treasurer Johnny Reed. The budget meeting is scheduled for Oct 19 and ALL home owners are encouraged to attend.
Budget Meeting

For those of you who did not attend the meeting this past Wednesday (Sept. 21), we discussed some very important issues, one of which is the 2012 budget.   We are required to have an official meeting to approve the coming years budget, which will occur on Wednesday, October 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

As a preview, here is some current financial information to consider:

1.)  We currently have a surplus of $33,260.12 ($22,880.00 of which is from a settlement)
2.)  We have an average surplus each month of $1500-$2500
3.)  Your current board has saved the community thousands of dollars by volunteering to do things ourselves with the help of other individuals in Coral Trace
4.)  These savings have helped us build up a significant surplus and may allow us to NOT raise your dues
5.)  Dues have not been raised in five (5) years, not even with inflation
6.)  Proposed increase of 4% in dues from Leland = $5.00 per month increase
7.)  We may be able to hold dues the same for 2012, however it will likely mean a larger than 4% increase come 2013, so please think long term, not just short term.
8.)  The board has begun renegotiating contracts in an effort to cut spending
9.)  We need to cut $10,000 - $15,000 from our proposed yearly budget to hold dues the same and we are aggressively pursuing contract negotiations.

What is the bottom line?  Please attend the meeting so we can discuss these things with you.  We all see benefits to keeping the dues the same as well as benefits to raising them.  This budget is strictly for things we NEED in the community, no extravagant projects.   By a show of hands, about 75% of people agreed that raising dues by a small number was the correct course of action.

It has been brought to my attention by previous board members that our management company consistently recommends we  raise the dues by $5.00/month.   In the past, it's not been necessary.   For those of you who don't know me, I take my personal finances and those of the HOA very seriously.  I personally believe we may be able to get through one more year without an increase, however it will be a risk.   I also believe that we can utilize the state of the US economy to our advantage in renegotiating our contracts.

Please attend to discuss.

Thank you,

Jon Reed

Scouts Popping for Fundraiser. What’s Your Flavor?

Whether it’s popcorn of the cheddar, butter toffee, carmel, chocolate or kettle variety, -yes, the kettle is back! -your local Cub Scouts are selling it by the bag-full this fall. The annual popcorn sale helps Scouts raise money for Scouting programs, while curbing the community’s hankering for the crunchy snack.

This year the popcorn sale includes a range of products: including the hard to resist white chocolate pretzels, equally as decadent as chocolate covered popcorn, our ever popular cheddar cheese popcorn, and more. The popcorn sale is a fundraiser and a primary source of revenue for the year. It gives Scouts the opportunity to earn their way to summer camp and helps pay for needed equipment, special trips and outings. Helping to offset these costs is essential in making sure every Scout has the opportunity to participate in these activities. Selling the buttery snacks also helps Scouts develop life skills such as salesmanship and goal setting. We have popcorn from $10 - $20.

If you would like to support your local Pack, please send an email to John McKinney at I live at 674 Coral Trace Blvd and the popcorn can be picked up at any time.

We need you!

Looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Welcoming Committee-Put on that smiling face and welcome new homeowners to the neighborhood! Every new resident will be given a plant from the local florist and should receive all frequently used phone numbers and Coral Trace email information.

Activities Committee-Have a knack for organizing events? Looking to entertain 4 events per year along with Clubhouse social events. Many requests for Yoga, community motorcycle ride, and kids events have been mentioned. Ideas?

Neighborhood Watch Committee-Seeking volunteers with experience on how to keep our neighborhood safe from theft and vandalism. Is this up your ally?

Please email so the board can put these committees in motion.